Announcing New Reliant Gases Sales Manager

Reliant Gases

Reliant Gases is pleased to announce that Ken Robb has joined our team in the role of Sales Manager. In this position, Ken will be responsible for working with the sales team to no only grow sales but also to maintain and develop relationships with existing customers. In addition, he will work to integrate new product offerings and product lines to increase Reliant’s value to customers.

Ken earned a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Akron. He began his career in the industrial gas business as a Cryogenic Application Engineer with AGA Gas in Cleveland, Ohio. Since then, he has worked in various capacities in sales, business development and management, with roles ranging from packaged gases and small bulk to large bulk and pumping services. Ken left the industry for almost 10 years to run a private wholesale distribution company. During that time, he earned a master’s degree in business from Case Western Weatherhead School of Management. He returned to the industrial gas industry in a Food Business Development role with Praxair in Houston, Texas.  

Ken and his wife Midge are active in their church and enjoy their free time kayaking and spending time with the families of their four grown children and three grandchildren.

October 18, 2022

Announcing New Reliant Gases Sales Manager


Reliant Gases

Reliant Gases is pleased to announce that Ken Robb has joined our team in the role of Sales Manager. In this position, Ken will be responsible for working with the sales team to no only grow sales but also to maintain and develop relationships with existing customers. In addition, he will work to integrate new product offerings and product lines to increase Reliant’s value to customers.

Ken earned a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Akron. He began his career in the industrial gas business as a Cryogenic Application Engineer with AGA Gas in Cleveland, Ohio. Since then, he has worked in various capacities in sales, business development and management, with roles ranging from packaged gases and small bulk to large bulk and pumping services. Ken left the industry for almost 10 years to run a private wholesale distribution company. During that time, he earned a master’s degree in business from Case Western Weatherhead School of Management. He returned to the industrial gas industry in a Food Business Development role with Praxair in Houston, Texas.  

Ken and his wife Midge are active in their church and enjoy their free time kayaking and spending time with the families of their four grown children and three grandchildren.

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